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Best Books on Yoga Bandhas for Self-Learners

A list of our favorite bandha books to supplement your learning journey.

By PRANA EDITORS | Last Updated: March 1, 2025

A collection of books

While asanas, pranayama, and meditation get plenty of attention worldwide, bandhas often get overlooked because they are simply not as widely practiced. Due to this, it can be quite challenging to find authentic and accessible information on these ancient but profound yogic techniques. 

For those eager to navigate this lesser-explored aspect of yoga, our editorial team has compiled a list of books on bandhas. These books offer detailed instructions and spiritual insights to help you understand and practice them effectively. Plus, each book offers something different—whether it’s a detailed breakdown of individual bandhas, their connection to chakras, or their role in pranayama. So, if you’ve been curious about bandhas but not sure where to start, this list might offer the guidance you need.

1. Light on Pranayama by BKS Iyengar

Front cover of the book "Light on Pranayama" by BKS Iyengar

As bandhas are integral to advanced pranayama variations, the 13th chapter of this bestselling yoga book focuses on them. It offer a comprehensive explanation spanning 12 pages, covering the three primary bandhas–Mula, Jalandhara, and Uddiyana. However, it intentionally excludes Maha Bandha (Great Locks) because the practice is too complex to be integrated into pranayamas. 

The chapter opens with general insights into bandhas in a few but well-chosen words. This is followed up with a discussion of each primary bandha in detail, including step-by-step instructions and the effects and precautions. The explanations are accompanied by images of BKS Iyengar demonstrating the appropriate sitting posture and other details, such as alignment and hand gestures. In a later section, Iyengar also discusses how and when to use these internal locks in breath control practices, providing tables to depict different combinations of bandhas and pranayama. 

P.S. - Light on Pranayama was our top pick for the best books to learn pranayamas.

2. Asana, Pranayama, Mudra, Bandha by Swami Saraswati

Front book cover of "Asana Pranayama Mudra Bandha" by Swami Satyananda Saraswati

Authored by a prominent figure from the Bihar School of Yoga, Asana Pranayama Mudra Bandha is among the most frequently recommended yoga books worldwide. As the name suggests, the book is structured around the four essential pillars of yoga practice, which are Asanas (poses), Pranayama (breathing techniques), Mudras (gestures), and Bandhas (internal locks). 

We are featuring it here because of its exception fourth section, dedicated to bandhas. This section provides clear and authentic instructions for all four bandhas – Mula, Uddiyana, Jalandhara, and Maha Bandha. The explanations are not only supported by illustrations but also include spiritual insights from the author to understand the energy mechanics and spiritual effects of each practice. 

In our opinion, the biggest strength of this book is that it places bandhas within the full yogic system. Instead of treating them like isolated techniques, it helps you see them as part of a larger, holistic practice and understand yoga in it’s entirely. And, since this book covers all the key aspects of yoga, it’s an excellent first book on the subject if you don’t already have one on your shelf. 

3. Kundalini Tantra by Swami Satyananda Saraswati

Front book cover of "Kundalini Tantra" by Swami Satyananda Saraswati

If you're serious about deepening your practice—especially when it comes to energy work, chakras, and bandhasKundalini Tantra is a book you’ll want. This isn't just another yoga manual; it’s one of the most definitive guides on the subtle aspects of yoga.

We’ve featured it in this list because of the third section, Kundalini Yoga Practices, which covers all aspects of bandha work, from sitting posture to chakra location, and step-by-step instructions to complementary practices. It goes a step beyond what other books offer and teaches not just the physical contraction but also the mental (energetic) contraction of yogic internal locks.

Truth be told, this book is a favorite in our editorial team –everyone owns a copy, and we refer to it often. Regardless of what style of yoga you practice, we're certain that you’ll find its explanations of both theory and philosophy to be incredibly insightful. So, if you’re looking for a yoga book that not only helps you do bandhas but understand them at a deeper level, this is the one to get.

P.S. – We’ve featured this in our article on the Best Books on Kundalini Yoga and Awakening.

4. Moola Bandha: The Master Key by Swami Buddhananda

Front book cover of "Moola Bandha: The Master Key" by Swami Buddhananda

Unlike other books in this list, Moola Bandha: The Master Key focuses entirely on the Root Lock. But this allows the author to explore every aspect of the practice in extraordinary detail. 

The first part of the book–spanning 50 pages– discusses bandhas, chakras, and Kundalini. It also covers the physical, neurological, endocrinological, and pranic (energetic) effects of Mula Bandha, along with its psychological & sexual aspects, therapeutic uses, and role in spiritual awakening. 

The second half of the book shifts to practical applications, covering sitting posture, duration, building awareness of the Root Chakra, and the integration of Mula Bandha into other yoga practice. Finally, Swami Buddhananda goes on to reveal the two methods to practice Mula Bandha. The first covers physical contraction with internal or external breath retention, while the second, more subtle method, centers on energy work, using complementary mantras and creative visualizations.

All things considered, Moola Bandha: The Master Key is undoubtely an essential reading for those serious about mastering the yogic Root Lock. In fact, this particular book is so detailed and insightful it makes you wish there were similar books dedicated to the other bandhas of yoga. 

Other Learning Resources to Consider

Amazon Prime Video Series

As we’ve mentioned in pervious articles of this series: The order and use of bandhas is slightly different in modern asana-focused yoga styles (i.e., yoga schools, like Ashtanga Vinyasa or Bikram yoga, that focus more on the physical aspects of yoga.) If you practice these styles, we recommend Bones, Breath, and Bandhas by Melina Meza on Amazon Prime Video.

Inspire Living’s Yoga Bandha Series (YouTube)

There are many video resources that discuss bandhas in varying degrees of detail. While some of them focus on the practice and other discuss their benefits and energy mechanisms. A particular series that stood out was Inspire Living’s playlist that covers all yoga bandhas. It includes four 15-minute videos featuring an introduction to the practice and explanations of the three primary bandhas.

Editor’s Note: Know of other incredible learning resources that deserve to be in this list? Send us your personal favorites and we’ll consider adding them to our recommendations.

Before You Go

We hope this article provides you with adequate resources to improve your understanding of yoga bandhas. But also note that the next part of this series offers in-depth guides on each bandha, including step-by-step instructions, references, anatomical discussions, and accompany diagrams.

Here are links to the most popular bandha-related articles on our website: 


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